To Set as your Desktop Wallpaper:

1)Choose the wallpaper of choice
2) Click on the image to view the large version
3) Right click on the image and choose 'set as wallpaper'

Aaron Sele Bret Boone Mike Cameron
Carlos Wallpaper
Freddy Garcia Dan Wilson Edgar Martinez
John Halama
Ichiro & Kazu Ichiro Jeff Nelson
Kazuhiro Sasaki
Jamie Moyer Brett Tomko Mac & Ichiro
Tom Lampkin
David & Freddy Nasty Boys Ryan Franklin
David Bell
Mariner Moose David Bell Edgar Martinez
2 Outs? Paul Abbott Jay Buhner
John Olerud
Sweet Lou Mark McLemore Dave Niehaus
Sodo Mojo
Cammy & Ichiro Shadey Ichiro Dan & Kazu
Arthur Rhodes Pitchers Team
Pride 2001 AL Champs Al Martin
Boone, Ole, & Gar
Out of This World Carlos Guillen Spacey
Joel Pineiro


If you have a request for a Mariner or any other wallpaper, just e-mail Beth at:

Images used on the above wallpapers are copyrighted by their respective owners. These wallpapers are for personal use only.

You may page me by ICQ at 98999004
(My status shows me always online due to my cable modem, so if I don't respond then I am not at my screen)

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